Our Main Objetives for students:
• Recognition of the literary works that make up the memory and cultures of the world and internalizing the social structures and cultures of nation during these immigrant students will be asked to study in the groups (inclusion and diversity)
• Preventing early school dropout and facilitating language learning by making our education more enjoyable with drama and theater.(Tackling learning disadvantages & early school leaving)
• To make the information learned using drama and theater permanent in literary education • Discovering individual talents and developing self-confidence with drama and theater training
• Creating students' perspective on the other concept with drama and theater education, literary works and art - via dramation of the plays in English they will improve their English skills
Concrete Results
imrproving their L2 competences like reading an speaking
increasing abilty on expressing themselves both in L1 and L2
eliminate their prejudices . towards refugees via cooperating them
changing attitude to the climate change and environment via stories
enhancing digital skills
increasing self confidence via acting
improving creativity via creating new stories and acting them out
building strong ties among partners via visits and also similar stories and built awareness on the EU
increasing literature awareness during the visits of the project partners, and thus cultural transfers will take place via the local novels acted.
Thanks to dramatization and theatral activities ..students language competences will be improved , culture transfer will occur via local novels, and this adds lessons different spice and early school dropout will be prevented